Our route


Why? Because it's there...

So, now, less than 3 weeks from the beginning of our adventure, we’re both exited about every ‘chapter’ ahead; Green Curry in Thailand, Lao-Lao in Laos, ever-changing scenery and food of China, climbing over 5,000 meter passes to the Tibetan plateau, the lush forests of Kyrgyzstan, endless deserts of Uzbekistan the very short Transit-Visa of Turkmenistan (???), sailing the Caspian sea, invigorating my chauvinist narrow-mindedness with the thick-mustached vodka-drinking male-dominant society of Azerbaijan, take pleasure in the scrumptious foods & beauty of Georgia and bending over for the soap in Turkey ;-)

Link to full story...

20 March 2007

for the whole story

Welcome to China

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hen Hao! very nice. interesting stories & adventures. I think I told u Chinese r very nice people. re food- they ask: ni che le ma? did u eat? YES is- "she a" SEGOL KAMAZ. NO is "bu she". Enjoy!